Friday, 24 February 2012

a dream within a dream

This post is about a dream I woke up to this morning. Read on...if you dare. Be warned. My dreams tend to be...rather...different.

  Most of it is rather fuzzy now, but the gist of it was about a young boy with power over trees and plants and much more besides (I told you so?). Or perhaps he just draws his powers from trees, I...we shall never know. He is summoned to court by the king.
  The boy is of two minds about this king and he does not want to show himself. He is there with someone he knows and trusts, who will present him to the king. The lighting was very dim, almost like the place was bathed in moonlight. 
  Two huge, arched doors slowly swung open to reveal a large, brightly lit antechamber. A slow smile crept up the boy's face. Roots and vines grew in a lattice-like pattern and mortared in place along the floors and the walls. Living walls. And the whole place was made with the stuff.
  The boy enters the room and places his hand on the vines that stood out over the mortar and was able to use his powers to become invisible. However it seemed he needed constant contact with the wall to remain unseen. Thus, he walked into the presence of the king. A king renown for his eccentric ways and temperament.
  The rumours were not untrue, but they were missing one vital piece of information. The king had powers of his own. Once in the king's presence, the boy's mind had very slowly, clouded over. Perhaps he did not even realise what had happened. So when the king wanted him to reveal himself, he ran along the wall and past the king so fast the air stirred in his passing. He still had enough sense in him to keep his invisibility. The king then commanded the boy to race his best runner, also gifted with power, around the room. The boy did as he was told, still touching the vines in the wall. Every time he rounded a corner his hand left the wall and fleetingly revealed himself in the blur. Eventually, he forgot why he needed to be invisible and stood in front of the king. By then, the boy's mind was empty of thoughts of his own.
  The king went outside then told the boy to crush a tree that he pointed to in the distance. Once the boy heard that, a twinge of something in him brought him out of his stupor. He played along with the king who looked smug about something. Like he had made a bet with himself that the boy couldn't possibly win. The boy played along and asked the king if it was the taller one and the king nodded and waited for something to happen. With a silent apology the boy extended his arms out in front of him and brought his hands together in one quick motion.
  The tree was still standing and the king's smile broadened, almost laughing, but then he blinked and the tree was gone, and so was his smile. The king turns around, disgusted and looks for something else impossible to do. As the king looks away the boy snaps his fingers and returns the tree to normal, but it was not to go unnoticed. 
  The king turns back around, a mad glint in his eyes and starts walking towards the boy.......

To be continued? Well at some point I had woken up in this dream and written down parts of this dream story, but then I woke up in RL and did the exact same thing RL. Freaky.... 

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